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Articles of interest

Page history last edited by Regina Claypool-Frey 14 years, 10 months ago


See also,


Standard Celeration Chart and Charting topics


“…and a child shall lead them”: Stephanie’s chart story.

Teaching Exceptional Children, 3(3):110-113.

Kindergartner Stephanie Bates describes how to use the Standard Celeration Chart; so simple a child can do it!






Bradfield, R.H. (1970).

Precision teaching: A useful technology for special education teachers.

Educational Technolology, 10(8), 22-26

Fr: Eric Digest

Explains a system designed to pinpoint behaviors in children that one may wish to alter and subsequently to produce behavior modifications.




Calkin, A.B. (2005). Precision teaching: The Standard Celeration Chart. The Behavior Analyst Today, 6(4), 207-213.




 Cooper, C. with Cromey, A. (2000). Teachers and students as action researchers: Using data Daily.

NCREL's Learning Point.2(2), 8-11

Interesting article on the use of daily measuring, charting, instructional adjustment using charted data, and chart shares in a public school district with typical elementary school students.




Lin, F-Y and Kubina, R.M. (2004). Learning channels and verbal behavior. The Behavior Analyst Today.5(1), 1-14.

"This article reviews the basics of learning channels and how specification of stimuli can help enhance verbal behavior. This article will define learning channels and the role of the ability matrix in training verbal behavior."


At Precision Teaching and Celeration Charting.net



 Miller, A.D., Hall, S.W., and Heward, Ed.D.(1995)

Effects of sequential 1 minute time trials.




One-Minute Fluency Builders Series: Research Base & Evidence of Effectiveness

Sopris West Educational Services

Includes a discussion of fluency, history of PT school projects and Executive Summary of the

Great Falls Montana Precision Teaching Project Research Findings.





Many students and abilities


Also see the papers focussing on Students with autism

Bass, R. (1999)

What behavioral education can offer Suzuki education introduction

"A symposium at the 1999 (#177) Association for Behavior Analysis National Convention provided Suzuki and Behavioral Educators with a rare opportunity: To build working relationships between fields that have a great deal to offer each other"

Dr. Roger Bass's website.

MS Word document. PLEASE RIGHT-CLICK and SAVE FILE. Thanks!



 Bradfield, R.H., Criner, J. (1971).. Precision Teaching the Learning-Disabled Child.

In R.H. Bradford (Ed.), Behavior Modification of Learning Disabilities (pp.147-170).

San Rafael, CA: Academic Therapy Publications.




Burrow, W. (2006). Early Intervening: What Works?.. MADSEC Newsletter. Issue 3. pp.8-12. Spring 2006




Instruction that works About Kids Health, Peter Chaban, June 2006

"In the last article, we looked at the use of learning styles and how researchers had shown their lack of success in improving learning skills in students. The article concluded with some suggestions for what might work to help student learning. In this article, I would like to review research-based practices that do show significant improvements in the learning outcomes for all children, but especially for children with learning disabilities."



Isaacs, M. (1973). Precision teaching of the deaf. Reprint from American Annals of the Deaf, 118(6) pp.686-690




McDowell, C., & Keenan, M. (2001).

Developing fluency and endurance in a child diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34, 345-348.


West, Richard P.

Precision Teaching: Measurably Superior Instructional Technology

"Many problems in education are the result of using ineffective or less effective instructional techniques when more effective ones are available. Precision Teaching is an extremely efficient method of instructional assessment and curricular restructuring. It is designed to increase accuracy and fluency in student academic performance. The presented studies used student performance on academic achievement tests to assess the benefit of using Precision Teaching in the classroom."

Utah State University, Center for the School of the Future • 6505 Old Main Hill; Logan, UT 84322-6505 • (435) 797-3091 • Email



Measurably Superior Instructional Technology: Making Instruction Efficient (PDF)

Center for the School of the Future • 6505 Old Main Hill; Logan, UT 84322-6505 • (435) 797-3091 • Email





General articles about special education


Top Ten Teaching Errors

Don Crawford, Otter Creek Institute

Direct Institute News, Spring 2003. pp19-21.


From the article

‘’10. Kids not answering together on signal the first time all of the time.

9. Slow pacing

8. Low perfomers not paying attention to the lesson and no intervention in place to ensure that they do pay attention.

7. Low performers not participating and not being asked to participate.

6. Not part firming

5. Not enough think time or wait time for the less able students in the group.

4.Letting the low kids slide, not holding them accountable for giving the correct answer every time.

3.Repeating parts all the time as a standard response to what ought to be incorrect responses from students.

2.Repeating parts all the time because the teacher is in doubt about whether the students were answering correctly so they repeat the part.

1. Compromises on all of the above due to weakness in behavior management.’’




(About)Ten Faulty Notions About Teaching and Learning That Hinder the Effectiveness of Special Education],

William Heward, Ohio State University



Ten Faulty Notions About Teaching and Learning That Hinder the

Effectiveness of Special Education] by William L. Heward, 2003, The Journal of

Special Education, VOL. 36/NO. 4/2003/PP. 186-205


For more articles by Dr. Heward Selected Publications



Miller, A. D., & Heward, W. L. (1992).

Do your students really know their math facts? Using daily time trials to build fluency]. Intervention in School and Clinic, 28, 98-104.

Journal of Behavioral Education, Vol. 5, No. 3. pp. 319-345




Neuhaus, G.F. (2003).

What does it take to read a letter..

The International Dyslexia Association quarterly

newsletter, Perspectives. Winter, pp. 27-31

"...fluent letter reading was supported by the knowledge of sounds and symbols, and the efficiency of general naming and visual attention skills. Fluent letter reading demanded the coordination of visual, verbal, and attentional systems"..."this study suggests that limitations in any of these areas could hamper letter reading efficiency, leading to reduced word reading accuracy, and diminished reading fluency. These findings have specific implications for parents and teachers..."




4/28/08 This link out of date/inactive. Seeking active link

Powerpoint download at webpage

Spreading the Word about Effective Behavioral Programming: Strategies that Work

Ilene Schwartz, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

4th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support

The Expanding World of PBS: Science, Values and Vision. March 8-10, 2000 Boston, MA.




Students with Autism 


Precision Teaching and Standard Celeration Charting,


Was Publications page, Fabrizio-Moors consulting

12/4/07 NOW ORL Professional Work Examples



An Overview of Fluency-Based Instruction for Children with Autism

Michael A. Fabrizio, MA. BCBA.

Tx-ABA Workshop, 2007


Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4



Voting with Their Feet: The Role of Child Assent in Behavior Analytic Intervention for Children with Autism]

Michael A. Fabrizio,.MA. BCBA/

2005 Applied Research and Intervention in Autism Conference, Washington, D.C.

Rather than viewing student escape behavior as something to put on extinction or to "work through", Michael suggests that a good behavior analyst should consider, count and CHART these behaviors and use that information to inform us on the quality of our interventions. He also discusses "assent", the parallel to "consent" in regards to behavior analytical ethics. Interesting and thought provoking


fr:ORL Conference Presentations


Commentary on "Voting with Their Feet:" by Danusia Pawska, BCABAAchieve Fluency



$ Kerr, Ken P., Smyth, P., and Mc Dowell,C.(2003).

Precision Teaching Children with Autism: helping design effective programmes .

Early Child Development and Care, 2003, vol. 173(4), pp. 399-410.

DOI: 10.1080/0300443032000079087

Straightforward, clearly explained article on the use of Precision Teaching in instructional design for children with autism.



Weiss, M.J.,

Expanding ABA Intervention in Intensive Programs for Children with Autism:

The Inclusion of Natural Environment Training and Fluency Based Instruction.

The Behavior Analyst Today, Vol 2.issue 3.pp182-186.




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