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Precision Teaching and Curriculum Based Measurement Similarities and Differences
Precision Teaching
Curriculum Based Measurement
frequent timed measures
frequent timed measures
usu brief timings
usu. brief timings
measurement pinpoints
measurement pinpoints
calendar base
calendar base
rel. fluency
rel. fluency
consider time dimension
consider time dimension
Emphasis on DAILY measurement
May only be at intervals for assessment
Standard Celeration Chart
graph paper or other
multiply-divide semilog scale
add-subtract linear scale
performance standards for RESAA*
Performance standard based on norm data
*Predictive of Retention, Endurance, Stability, Application and Adduction
For further reading:
Binder, C. Precision teaching and curriculum based measurement.
Journal of Precision Teaching, 7(2), 33-35.
Assessments and Curriculum Based Measurement
FREE Response to Intervention(RTI)/Jim Wright
Intervention Central
Pdfs, video clips and ChartDog2.0 display and report generator
FREE Get it Got it Go!
is your gateway to a comprehensive system for continuously measuring the skills and needs of individual children from birth to eight.
$ AIMSweb Progress Monitoring and Response to Intervention System
(Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Home Page
What Is Curriculum-Based Measurement And What Does It Mean to My Child?
Kathleen Mc Lane
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring
Frequently Asked Questions about Curriculum-Based Measurement
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring
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