SC Hourly, Minutely, Secondly charts


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Subject: SC hour, minute, 10 sec charts

From: Ogden R. Lindsley

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 02:03:15 EDT 

SC Listserv



A few of us have used hourly and ten minutely (each vertical line 10 minutes) and minutely (each vertical line a minute) There never has been enough interest to justify the cost of printing up a few hundred reams of each of the hourly and minutely charts.


It is best to relabel the monthly per month charts (popup in new window) because the base six of its vertical time lines gives useful standard celerations.


HOURLY per hour chart has each vertical time line stand for one hour.

The first four thicker period lines then indicate 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours (one day).


TEN MINUTELY per ten minute chart has each vertical time line stand for ten minutes.

The first four thicker period lines then indicate 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours.


MINUTELY per minute chart has each vertical time line stand for one minute.

The first four thicker period lines then indicate 6, 12, 18, and 24 minutes.


TEN SECONDLY per ten second chart has each vertical time line stand for ten seconds.

The first four thicker period lines then indicate 1, 2, 3, and 4 minutes.


SECONDLY per second chart has each vertical time line stand for one second.

The first four thicker period lines then indicate 6, 12, 18, and 24 seconds.


These five relabeled monthly SC charts have provided fine enough time charting for all of my needs so far. I keep a set of charts relabeled as above in a folder for fine counting time charting.


Note that locating the possible source of high and low and frequency rhythms is not a functional analysis. It is merely a TEMPORAL association. You can not say anything is a reinforcer from a time analysis alone. You must record its functional effects by removing it and replacing it and or changing its magnitude.

Anything less is merely a sketch, one of many possible stories.


As ever, Og"



